Chapter 9: Language and Thought





The Nature of Language

The Evolution of Language in Humans

Language Development in Individuals

            Theories of Language Acquisition

            Can Animals Learn Human Language?

            Language, Culture, and Thought

Thinking, Reasoning, and Decision making

How Do We Represent Thoughts in our Minds?

                        Visual Representation

                        Verbal Representation

            How Do We Reason About Evidence?

            Critical Thinking

Psychology in the Real World: Applying Critical Thinking Beyond the Classroom

            How Do We Make Judgments and Decisions?

Breaking New Ground: Nonrational Decision Making

Rational Choice Theory

Evidence Against Rational Choice Theory

How These Findings Changed People’s Minds

Making Connections in Language and Thought:  Learning a Second Language

Chapter Review




  • Language and thought develop side by side with few exceptions.  One is not possible without the other, at least in adult humans. More so, culture and civilization as we know it could not exist without language.


The Nature of Language

  • Human language is an open and symbolic communication system that has rules of grammar and allows its users to express abstract and distant ideas.
  • This definition involves several assumptions: open means that the system is free to change, and symbolic means that there is no real connection between a sound and the meaning or idea associated with it. And finally, it is rule-based.

o       Syntax refers to the rules on how one arranges words in a particular language.

o       Grammar comprises the entire set of rules for combining symbols and sounds to speak and write a particular language.

  • Most researchers argue that human language is special because it allows for the communication of abstract ideas and new ideas.


The Evolution of Language in Humans

  • Evidence indicates that early hominids had at least a form of protolanguage or pre-language. Although no one knows for sure when fully grammatical language first appeared, archaeologists and linguists suggest that probably only our species (Homo sapiens) used grammatical and syntactical language. If so, language is less than 150,000 to 200,000 years old.
  • Anthropologists and psychologists argue that the complexity of the human brain and the human ability to use language co-evolved. That is, as the frontal lobes grew larger, people became capable of thinking and communicating more and more complex and abstract thoughts. Increases in the size of human social groups may have triggered increased brain size as well. The more complex a group is, the greater the need for its members to communicate.

Nature-Nurture Pointer: The development of language, the evolution of the brain, and the development of culture are all connected. 


Language Development in Individuals

In language development we see that receptive language skills come before productive skills. One reason for this may be that receptive skills occur in the left hemisphere, specifically Wernicke’s area, whereas language production is associated with the left-hemisphere region called Broca’s area. This suggests that Wernicke’s area developed earlier than Broca’s area.

Stages of Language Development

  • Cooing: The first form of speech in infants, present prior to 6 months of age; this is the sound of vowels being repeated. These sounds are universal and are seen in deaf babies, as well.
  • Babbling: around 5 to 6 months of age, infants begin to babble. Babbling is the repetition of sounds that infants extract from their world. These are known as phonemes, a small unit of sound. Before babies’ brains have been fully shaped by their native language, they can make and hear more sounds than their parents can. As children progress through the babbling stage, and with repeated exposure to the subset of sounds in their native language, they “prune” away sounds that are not used in that language and lose the ability to say or perceive non-native sounds.
  • One-word utterances:  Around 12 months, most children universally speak their first word. Often, this first word is a familiar person or object.
  • Two-word utterances: These appear around 18 months of age.  This is basically a very simple sentence.
  • Sentence phase: Around 2.5-3 years of age, children begin to use simple sentences. This transition happens so quickly that linguists usually have a tough time studying it. These sentences may not always be what adults consider grammatically correct, but they are grammatical sentences.
  • This order is predictable, universal, and is related to brain development. By 3 years of age, the brain is approximately 80% of the size of an adult brain.

The Sensitivity Period

  • Lennenberg argued for a critical, or sensitive, period for language acquisition. He argued that children exposed to human language before a certain age will never fully develop language. Why? Because the brain has pruned connections that would have been used.
  • An example of Lennenberg’s argument is the case of Genie. He parents severely abused her and locked her away with minimal contact until she was found at approximately 13.5 years of age. At age 17, after 4 years of language training, Genie’s language skills were still extremely delayed. Brain imaging revealed that when she was speaking or listening, the activity was located mostly in her right hemisphere, as opposed to the norm, which would be the left hemisphere. This case suggests that left hemisphere speech development requires stimulation from the environment during a certain critical period if it is to develop properly.
  • Activity: Show The Mockingbird Don’t Sing, released in 2001. This is based on the case of Genie.


Theories of Language Acquisition

  • Barring no major deficit or trauma, all humans learn to speak, including those who were born deaf. This suggests that we have innate, genetically based structures in the brain that enable us to learn language.

Sociocultural Theories

  • This is based on how social factors like culture, socioeconomic status (SES), birth order, school, peers, television, and verbally responsive parents shape language development.
  • This is based on the role of imitation, or doing what you see others do. Newborns as young as 50 minutes old will stick out their tongues or open their mouths when they see an adult do so. And also child-directed speech, or adults using a higher pitch, simplifying sentence structure, and using emotion to convey meaning. These are universal effects.  
  • Also, we see the involvement of interdependent brain processes, such as mirror neurons, clusters of brain cells that fire not only when an individual performs some task, such as sticking out one’s tongue, but  also  when an individual observes another person do the same task. Mirror neurons facilitate social learning and imitation.
  • CONNECTION: One reason that newborn infants are capable of imitating behavior immediately after birth is because humans and other animals have “mirror neurons.” These were detected first after a chance observation in laboratory monkeys. (See Chapter 3 and Chapter 8.)

Conditioning and Learning Theory

  • As discussed in Chapter 8, learning theorists argue that language is like any other behavior: it exists because it is reinforced and shaped. Skinner argues that parents reinforce language and thus the behavior increases. He argued the universal sequence of language acquisition was in essence due to shaping.   Unfortunately, this theory doesn’t account for everything, as parents often don’t reinforce for grammar and syntax.

Nativist Theory

  • Nativist view: We discover language rather than learn it; language development is “native,” or inborn. One source of evidence is that the brain appears to be “wired” for language acquisition evidenced by Broca’s and Wernicke’s areas of the brain, which are dedicated to speech production and comprehension, respectively.
  • Another piece of evidence is that children universally appear to overgeneralize language rules; for example, they learn to add “ed” to a word to show past tense, so they’ll say “bringed” instead of “brought.” These errors and other evidence have led to the idea that there exists a “universal grammar.”
  • One of the early proponents of this perspective was Noam Chomsky. He argued that humans are born with a language acquisition device (LAD) – an innate, biologically based capacity to acquire language. That is, because of the universal ease and automatic nature of learning to speak in complete and grammatical sentences, often with no explicit instruction, he argues that language is part of our nature. Moreover, the sequence of acquisition is roughly the same for all children on the planet, in poor or rich countries, industrialized or non-industrialized. Even the difficulty of the language being learned has no effect. All languages will develop about the same way and at the same time, regardless.
  • Universal grammar follows universal principles, specific rules of a specific language (e.g., syntax), as well as parameters or the different rules of what is allowed and what is not in different languages. Children learn these rules easily because of a built-in language acquisition device.

Nature, Nurture, and Language Learning

  • Social and learning theorists argue for the importance of social input and stimulation, whereas nativist theorists argue for the importance of brain structures and genetic factors; but as the case of Genie tells us, both are needed to fully explain language acquisition.  That is, innately guided learning is the interaction between nature and nurture.

Nature-Nurture Pointer: The concept of innately guided language learning illustrates the interaction between nature and nurture.

  • Dale and colleagues (2000) compared vocabulary and grammar skills in 1,008 identical twin pairs to those same skills in 1,890 fraternal twin pairs; all were about 2 years old. Parents assessed their vocabulary and grammar skills by completing questionnaires dealing with the kinds of words and sentences their children could say. Results indicate that identical twin pairs were more similar in vocabulary and grammar than were fraternal twin pairs, and that about 25% of vocabulary development and about 40% of learning about grammar are genetically influenced.


Can Animals Learn Human Language?

  • A number of captive apes have learned ASL to different degrees and have been able to communicate with humans.  Perhaps the most linguistically gifted ape to date is Kanzi, a bonobo chimp. Savage-Rumbaugh was attempting to teach an adult chimp, Matata, sign language. Although she never had much success, her son Kanzi had been observing the training and quickly learned a larger vocabulary than his mother.  The research team compared 7-year-old Kanzi’s language comprehension to that of a 2½-year-old human child, Alia. They found that they performed commands at similar levels of success – about 70%.
  • Other researchers have also found spontaneous teaching of sign language by trained chimps to their offspring.  That said, most research indicates that chimps lack universal grammar and take longer to learn language.


Language, Culture, and Thought

  • Whorf-Sapir hypothesis: language creates thought as much as thought creates language.
  • Linguistic determinism hypothesis: our language determines our way of thinking and our perceptions of the world.
  • Most research on the topic does not support the strong view that language determines our thinking, but rather that it influences our thinking. This position is known as linguistic relativism.



·   Cognition: “to know” or to refer to mental processes involved in acquiring, processing, and storing knowledge.

·   Cognitive psychology is the science of how people think, learn, remember, and perceive.

·   Three fundamental questions about cognition and reasoning:


How Do We Represent Thoughts in Our Minds?

  • Mental representation: a structure in our mind—such as an idea or image—that stands for something else, such as the external object or thing. Mental representations, therefore, allow us to think about and remember things in the past, imagine things in the future, and think about abstract ideas.

Visual Representation.

  • We think both in images and in words.
  • CONNECTION: The occipital lobes and parietal lobes of the brain develop before the temporal and frontal lobes. This pattern of growth partly explains why we see before we can talk. (See Chapter 5.)
  • Every animal with eyes perceives visual images, but only those animals with more cortex are better able to keep and store those visual sensations in mind after the sensory stimulation stops.
  • Visual imagery: involves visual representations created by brain after the original stimulus is no longer present. This allows you to imagine things that are not currently being perceived.
  • Neuroscientists have shown that the brain is activated in much the same way while imagining a task as it is while performing that task.
  • Mental rotation: The process of imagining an object rotating in three-dimensional space. Typically, males show an advantage here and this pattern is cross-culturally supported.  Some researchers point to testosterone’s role as studies looking at female rats injected with high doses of testosterone have found increased performance on spatial tasks.

Nature-Nurture Pointer: High levels of testosterone, in men and women, are associated with the ability to perform spatial and mental rotation tasks.

Verbal Representation

  • Concept: a mental grouping of objects, events, or people. Concepts help us organize our perceptions of the world.

·         Concept hierarchy: organizes information in a particular way, with some being general and others specific.

·         Parallel distributive processing (PDP): associations between concepts activate many networks or nodes at the same time.

·         CONNECTION: Parallel networks of concepts help us establish, maintain, and retrieve memories (see Chapter 7).

  • Category: a concept that organizes other concepts around what they all share in common. Some examples of a category fit that category better than others.
  • Prototypes: The best-fitting examples of a category.


How Do We Reason About Evidence?

  • Reasoning:  the process of drawing inferences or conclusions from principles and evidence.
  • Deductive reasoning: we reason from general statements to specific conclusions. If-then thinking.
  • Inductive reasoning: drawing general conclusions from specific evidence. Conclusions drawn from inductive reasoning are less certain than those drawn from deductive reasoning.

o       Causal inferences are a direct result of inductive reasoning. These are statements that explain many specific facts or observations. That is, A causes B.

o       The confirmation bias: the tendency to selectively attend to information that supports one’s general beliefs while ignoring information or evidence that contradicts one’s beliefs.

o       Example: Wason looked at the ability of individuals to “falsify” versus “confirm” their own theories. Wason gave subjects the task of determining the hidden rule behind a sequence of three numbers and found that people are so inclined to test only ideas that confirm their beliefs that they forget that one of the best ways to test an idea is to try to tear it down – that is, disconfirm it. Most people are strongly swayed in thinking due to the confirmation bias.


Critical Thinking

·         Critical thinking: “The ability to analyze facts, generate and organize ideas, defend opinions, make comparisons, draw inferences, evaluate arguments, and solve problems” (Chance, 1986, p. 6).

  • Qualities of Critical Thinking Most Agreed-Upon by Experts

▪ Analyze                                                  ▪ Interpret

▪ Evaluate                                                  ▪ Explain

▪ Make Inferences                                     ▪ Self-Regulate

  • Scientific thinking: involves the cognitive skills required to generate, test, and revise theories.
  • Metacognitive thinking: thinking about thinking. That is, it  requires the ability first to think and then to reflect on one’s own thinking.


Psychology in the Real World: Applying Critical Thinking Beyond the Classroom

  • To apply critical thinking skills we should ask ourselves, “what is the evidence for this conclusion, and is it valid?” Unfortunately, many people, including adults sometimes are lacking in critical and scientific reasoning.
  • Kuhn (1993) studied the connection between scientific and informal or everyday reasoning skills in adults. She asked 160 subjects, ranging in age from teenagers through people in their sixties, their theories on three topics: what causes prisoners to return to a life of crime, what causes children to fail in school, and what causes unemployment. After stating their theories, participants were asked for evidence on which they based their ideas. Only 40% of the participants could give actual evidence (that is, information that is based on actual observations that bear on the theory’s correctness).
  • Critical thinking requires that we be open to evidence that bears on whether our ideas are correct or not, even if we are not happy with the evidence.

How Do We Make Judgments and Decisions?

  • Heuristics: methods for making complex and uncertain decisions and judgments.

The Representativeness Heuristic

  • Representativeness heuristic: when we estimate the probability of one event based on how typical or representative it is of another event. That is, if it looks like a duck and it walks like a duck, it’s probably a duck.
  • Discussion: You may want to ask students if this could be a serious error. Point out that racial profiling is an example of the representitiveness heuristic and thus could have very serious errors associated with it.

The Availability Heuristic

  • Availability heuristic: a strategy we use when we make decisions based on the ease with which estimates come to mind. One reason may be the event’s vividness. Vividness increases availability and thus may lead us to overestimate how likely certain events are.
  • Example: People’s fear of a shark attack after one is publicized. Even though you are statistically more likely to get struck by lightning, most folks have a greater fear of getting bitten than struck. This may also be why people stayed out of the ocean after Jaws came out.


Breaking New Ground: Nonrational Judgments

·         See “Breaking New Ground” section for detailed explanation.


Making Connections in Language and Thought: Learning a Second Language

  • See “Making the Connections” section for detailed explanation.





availability heuristic: a device we use to make decisions based on the ease with which estimates come to mind or how available they are to our awareness.

babbling: sounds made as a result of an infant’s experimentation with a complex range of phonemes, which includes consonants as well as vowels; starts around 5-6 months.

casual inferences: judgments about causation of one thing by another.

category: a concept that organizes other concepts around what they all share in common.

child-directed speech: changes in adult speech patterns—apparently universal—when speaking to young children or infants; characterized by higher pitch, changes in voice volume, use of simpler sentences, emphasis of the here and now, and use of emotion to communicate their messages.

cognition: mental processes involved in acquiring, processing, and storing knowledge.

cognitive psychology: the science of how people think, learn, remember, and perceive.

concept hierarchy: arrangement of related concepts in a particular way, with some being general and others specific.

concept: a mental grouping of objects, events, or people.

confirmation bias: the tendency to selectively attend to information that supports one’s general beliefs while ignoring information or evidence that contradicts one’s beliefs.

cooing: the first sounds humans make other than crying, consisting almost exclusively of vowels; occurs during first 6 months of life.

critical thinking: process by which one analyzes, evaluates, and forms ideas.

deductive reasoning: reasoning from general statements of what is known to specific conclusions.

grammar: the entire set of rules for combining symbols and sounds to speak and write a particular language.

heuristics: mental shortcuts; methods for making complex and uncertain decisions and judgments.

human language: a communication system specific to Homo Sapiens; it is open and symbolic, has rules of grammar, and allows its users to express abstract and distant ideas.

idioms: expressions unique to a particular language; usually their meaning cannot be determined by decoding the individual meanings of the words.

inductive reasoning: reasoning to general conclusions from specific evidence.

language acquisition device (LAD): an innate, biologically based capacity to acquire language, proposed by Noam Chomsky as part of his nativist view of language.

linguistic determinism hypothesis: the proposition that our language determines our way of thinking and our perceptions of the world; the view taken by Sapir and Whorf.

mental representation: a structure in our mind—such as an idea or image—that stands for something else, such as the external object or thing sensed in the past or future, not the present.

mental rotation: process of imagining an object turning in three-dimensional space.

metacognitive thinking: process that includes the ability to think and then to reflect on one’s own thinking.

nativist view of language: the idea that we discover language rather than learn it; that language development is inborn.

one-word utterances: single words, such as “mama,” “dada,” “more,” or “no!”; occurs around 12 months of age.

protolanguage: very rudimentary language, also known as pre-language.

prototypes: the best-fitting examples of a category.

reasoning: the process of drawing inferences or conclusions from principles and evidence.

representativeness heuristic: a strategy we use to estimate the probability of one event based on how typical it is of another event.

scientific thinking: process using the cognitive skills required to generate, test, and revise theories.

sentence phase: stage when children begin speaking in fully grammatical sentences; usually age 2 ½ to 3.

syntax: the rules for arranging words and symbols to form sentences or parts of sentences in a particular language.

two-word utterances: phrases children put together, starting around 18 months, such as “my ball,” “mo wawa,” or “go way” ([go away)].

visual imagery: visual representations created by the brain after the original stimulus is no longer present.









Theories of Language Acquisition: Sociocultural Theories

CONNECTION: One reason newborn infants are capable of imitating behavior immediately after birth is humans and other animals have “mirror neurons.” These were first detected after a chance observation in laboratory monkeys. (See Chapter 3 and Chapter 8.)

  • Discussion: This is a good time to discuss material from Chapter 5 and imitations as discussed in Piaget’s work. Remind students about the different types of imitation and how Piaget argues that imitation is the purest form of accommodation. That is, it is a key factor in the development of thought.
  • Discussion: This is also a good time to discuss the adaptive value of imitation in humans. For example, when a infant imitates an adult gesture or behavior, do parents find it endearing? You can also point out the strong survival value of imitation. If a parent doesn’t eat something or avoids another stimuli, it may be adaptive to just model the behavior.


Visual Representation

CONNECTION: The occipital lobes and parietal lobes of the brain develop before the temporal and frontal lobes. This pattern of growth partly explains why we see before we can talk. (See Chapter 5.)

  • Discussion: You may also want to reiterate the concept of developmental timing here.  Also discuss Turkewitz’s work on the lateralization of the 2 hemispheres. Showing that the timing of the development of the brain is in part due to species-typical genes interacting with species-typical environment. Also, reiterate that the key to timing is that some capabilities will show deficits so that other skills can come on line.
  • Discussion: This is a great time to also discuss how evolution would have selected vision to develop before speech. Not only has vision presumably been a trait for phylogenetically longer in humans, it also may have greater adaptive value. Ask students what they think the adaptive mechanism for both skills is and why evolution might select one to develop faster than the other.


Verbal Representation

CONNECTION: Parallel networks of concepts help us establish, maintain, and retrieve memories. (See Chapter 7.)



Critical Periods and Second Language Acquisition

·         There is a critical or sensitive period for second language acquisition:  Children learn second languages more quickly than adults do, and speak them more fluently.

·         By around age 7, learning a second language starts to become more difficult, and proficiency is reduced. The sensitive period for learning to speak a second language without an accent appears to end in early adolescence.

·         Researchers have found that age of acquisition of a second language was directly related to the strength of accent. The age of exposure to a second language is more important than the number of years speaking the language. Thus, exposure in childhood is better than adolescence, and adolescence is better than adulthood.

    • Discussion: This is a great time to point out to students the disparity between research and curriculum. As many students will be taking a Spanish class in the next 4 years, they will no doubt bring it up anyway.
    • Discussion: There is a study by Johnson and Newport (1989), who tested 46 native Chinese or Korean speakers, and much like the research in the text, they too found that age of acquisition was related to age of arrival in the U.S.  

Second Language Learning and the Brain

·         Researchers have found that people who are fluent in two languages are capable of more efficient cognitive processing than those who speak only one language.

·         When matched for age, gender, and other qualities, elderly speakers of two languages develop dementia more than 4 years later than do elderly speakers of only one language. This again reinforces the idea of brain development being affected by stimulation from the environment.

Nature-Nurture Pointer: Learning a second language may make you smarter. It might even help prevent age-related dementia.

·         Bilingual speakers have a greater density of neurons in the language centers of the brain and neural density is proportional to the age at which the person learned the second language. The earlier the second language is learned, the greater the neural density.

·         Bilingual people exhibit differences in brain activation, depending on when they learned their second language; the brains of people who learn a second language early in life are more efficient at language processing than are the brains of people who learn a second language late in life. However, the age at which a person learns a second language is reflected in differences in the brain, but only in areas involved in producing rather than understanding speech.

o       Discussion: You may want to point out to students that most of the research on bilingualism shows that it results in greater cognitive flexibility. This includes ASL.  Ask students why they think that is.

Concept Formation and Translation into Foreign Languages

·         Linguists have demonstrated that the more prototypical an idea is, the more easily it can be translated from one language to another. Idioms—expressions that are unique to a particular language—do not make sense when they are literally translated.

Reasoning in a Second Language

·         In research that compared students’ deductive reasoning in their native language and their deductive reasoning in a second language, subjects not surprisingly performed better in their native language.

Second Language Acquisition and Metacognition

·         Accurately knowing what you do and do not know and the ability to monitor your thinking as you work on a problem are two hallmarks of metacognition. In a quantitative review (meta-analysis) of the research, Ricciardelli reported that 20 out of 24 published studies found that bilingual students scored higher on creativity tasks than did monolingual students. Flexible and creative thinking are thus closely aligned with metacognitive thinking.

o       Discussion: Ask if there are any bilingual students in the room. Ask them if they think more in one language than another. You may also want to point out that early plasticity in the brain may also account for these differences. 





The Evolution of Language in Humans

Nature-Nurture Pointer: The development of language, the evolution of the brain, and the development of culture are all connected. 

·         Discussion: Students may also want to discuss the foils record here. Although brains do not fossilize, the imprint of the brain does leave marks on fossilized skulls, which allows for an educated post hoc interpretation of what areas of the brain have grown in size over time.

·         Discussion: Ask students about the relation of tool use and thinking/language.  Point out that tool use itself does not make one smart; for example, using a computer doesn’t make them “smart,” but inventing one is a different story. 


Nature, Nurture, and Language Learning

Nature-Nurture Pointer: The concept of innately guided language learning illustrates the interaction between nature and nurture.

o       Discussion: This is basically the idea that we learn by instinct. That is, that whether it is called a language acquisition device, or a homunculus, or something else, the evidence indicates that we are a species that is “wired” to acquire language. Point out to students that research indicates whether they are rich, poor, industrialized, non-industrialized, rural, or urban, overwhelmingly, most human children pass through the same sequence in a predictable manner. It would only be in less than about 2% of the population that you see a delay or significant deficit. And in these cases there is typically an overall developmental delay or disease that has led to the delay.


Visual Representation.

Nature-Nurture Pointer: High levels of testosterone, in men and women, are associated with the ability to perform spatial and mental rotation tasks.

  • Discussion: You may want to discuss the role of evolution in selecting a male bias in spatial thinking. Evolutionary psychology would suggest that the male advantage in spatial thinking comes from hunter-gatherer days when males would need to travel great distances and to hunt, skills that would require good mental rotation and spatial orientation. 




Breaking New Ground: Non-Rational Judgments

Rational Choice Theory

  • It was thought that when given a choice between two or more options, humans would choose the one that is most likely to help them achieve their particular goals – that is, the rational choice. Economists called this rational choice theory (Scott, 2000). They based this theory on principles of behaviorism; that is, that people base decisions on a cost-benefit analysis.

Evidence Against Rational Choice Theory

  • In the 1970s, Tversky and Kahneman began to challenge rational choice theory with their research on human judgment and decision making. Tversky explained that people are generally rational in their judgments; that is, they take into account differences in base rates.
  • In 1974 they published a paper that summarized the results of 13 of their studies on “judgments under uncertainty” (Tversky & Kahneman, 1974). In it, they presented several principles that would change the fields of psychology, economics, and even philosophy. We have already discussed two of them: the availability and representativeness heuristics.
  • Additional research by Kahneman and Tversky revealed other areas in which people are less than rational in their decision making and judgments. For example, if people were rational, they would realize that the odds of two events can never be higher than the odds of one of those events alone. This is the conjunction fallacy, which occurs when people say the combination of two events is more likely than either event alone.  
  • These findings and others like them point to the conclusion that people sometimes ignore base rates, sometimes are biased by stereotypes, and sometimes use shortcuts to arrive quickly, but not completely rationally, at their decisions and conclusions. In short, Kahneman and Tversky demonstrated that people bypass fully rational decision making and make use of automatic shortcuts in their reasoning and judgments.

How These Findings Changed People’s Minds

  • To some psychologists, these conclusions about less than rational reasoning were not surprising – after all, psychologists know as well as anyone about irrational thought and biased behavior. Yet to others, the findings were nothing short of revolutionary.
  • In 2002 Kahneman won the Nobel Prize in Economics (Tversky had died in 1996). The Nobel committee stated that their work had revolutionized the study of intrinsic motivation and human thinking.




Additional Discussion Topics

  1. Animal language. This is a great time to ask students what they think about animal language. You may want to show a clip of the bee waggle dance: Ask students what they feel are potential barriers to studying animal cognition and language. Ask if they think their dog is thinking. Communicating with other dogs? Engaging in reflective thinking? Problem solving and reasoning?  Do they think that we are currently underestimating other species’ abilities in thinking and overestimating our own? Another great clip on this can be seen in the work of Susan Savage-Rumbaugh talking about her work with bonobos and language:
  2. Benefits of heuristics: You may want to spend some time going over the representativeness heuristic and availability heuristics. Remind students that all heuristics are fallible but they allow us to make snap judgments quickly, and what we sacrifice for accuracy is the ability to make quick general appraisals. Point out the adaptive value of these devices. Both have strong survival implications.
  3. Language and thinking: This is a good time to also point out that language and memory go hand in hand. Also tie in for students the relationship between thought and language being the representation of things symbolically. Point out that Piaget and Vygotsky both argued that language is required for higher order thinking. Ask students if they think metacognition, for example, would be possible without language. 
  4. Evolutionary approaches: Ask students which approach to language acquisition do they think best explains universal grammar. They should answer “natavist.” Discuss evolutionary pressures that could pressure language to be selected for.
  5. Feral children: Discuss the case of Genie. Show part or all of the BBC’s series on Genie. You may also want to mention the case of Itard’s Victor, the first documented feral child.  These cases support the critical period and also illustrate the link between thought and language.



  1. Assign students to watch The Mockingbird Don’t Sing, released in 2001, a movie based on the case of Genie. Have them write a paragraph on the interaction of species-typical genes in a species-atypical environment. Make sure they grasp that species-typical genes require a species-typical environment to develop in a species-typical manner.
  2. Have students type a paragraph on the role of pragmatics, the linguistic rule of who can say what to whom, and an example from their lives when the rule was violated. You can then read some examples in class and discuss the importance of rules in language.
  3. Have students do some brief Internet research on Steven Pinker and write a brief paragraph on the natavist perspective and on Pinker’s own perspective.
  4. Ask students to engage in a metacognitive exercise. Ask them to think about their study habits from the last test. Did they work? What could they do differently to improve performance? This will not only demonstrate what metacognition is but also prove useful in their studying for the next exam.


Suggested Films

1.   An interview with Stephen Pinker:

2.   Very funny interview with Steven Pinker (warning: it does involve swearing):

3.   Bee waggle dance:

4.   Funny clip of Ali G interviewing Noam Chomsky:

5.   John Abbott discussing critical periods in language acquisition:

6.   Streaming video of Steven Pinker, “The Blank Slate”:

7.   Pinker discussing human thinking:

8.   Murray Gell-Mann discusses the relationships between human languages:

9.   NOVA clip on mirror neurons:

10. A brief trailer of Itard’s Victor:

11. A 6-part series from the BBC on Genie:

12. NOVA special on birdsong learning (45 minutes):

13. The Mockingbird Don’t Sing, released in 2001. This is based on the case of Genie.


Suggested Websites

1.   CNN clip on the word spurt:

2.   An interview with Dr. Laura Petitto:

3.   BBC article on deaf babies’ babbling:

4.   European Science Foundation article on brain involvement in babbling:

5.   Article on bilingualism:

6.   Psi Chi article by Rovee-Collier on infant memory:

7.   A transcript of Steven Pinker discussing the evolution of the human mind:


Suggested Readings

Chomsky, N. (2000). New Horizons in the Study of Language and the Mind. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.

Curtiss, S. (1977). Genie: A Psycholinguistic Study of a Modern Day `Wild Child'. New York: Academic Press.

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